a 501 ( c ) ( 4 )
Stop Animal Rights Extremists, Inc.
a 501 ( c ) ( 3 )
Two Companies, One Mission!
We educate the public and media about the differences between animal rights and animal welfare. We support animal welfare.

SARE SOLUTIONS is a member–based organization formed to counter -- through public exposure -- animal rights extremism/terrorism utilizing a comprehensive media strategy.

As Americans operating within the law, we are afforded the freedom to choose what services and products we use.

SARE SOLUTIONS is a coalition of animal enterprises and business owners who use ethical strategies to expose the radical animal rights agenda.
After reviewing the 4 minute audio/ video, it’s shameful that Judge Michael Mosman said, “these people were just expressing their 1st amendment right”- SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. builds coalitions with other animal usage enterprises that are targets of the animal rights groups and exposes and discredits the animal rights radical agenda to the public and animal rights groups’ donors.
Schumacher Furs USA, the oldest fur company in America, Est. 1895 , are manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers of fur product since 1895, and have been forced out of operation by animal rights terrorists, City of Portland, State of Oregon, and violators of the laws of The US Constitution. There was zero law enforcement and the police were told to stand down by City and State government officials. SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. and Stop Animal Rights Extremists, Inc. are the only organizations worldwide countering this movement using comprehensive marketing strategies and have the plan to defund animal rights organizations. Please see our website- www.saresolutions.com
See the 4 minute sample video/audio of the Schumacher protest which lasted for over 2 years straight. We have 380 hours of illegal protest activity footage from which this was taken. This sampling is not the worst or best of the protest. Just a regular day at Schumacher's. I founded SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. to prevent other animal usage industries, businesses to have to experience what my family, employees, customers and I endured. Feel free to share this. Stop Animal Rights Extremists is a 501(C)-3 and SARE SOLUTIONS is a 501(C)-4.
Interview with Trent Loos- Rural Route Radio and Gregg Schumacher- Owner of Schumacher Furs USA, Est. 1895, Founder/CEO of SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. and Stop Animal Rights Extremists, Inc. INTERVIEW about fur industry, animal usage- agriculture industries- SOLUTIONS to the animal rights movement.

A Letter From Our Founder
We need to keep the future of the animal usage industries (AUI's) alive and strong. SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. www.saresolutions.com is very concerned about the direction the AUI's are taking. Partnering with animal rights groups (ARG) is a formula for disaster. While we don't pretend to be experts in all AUI's and agriculture industries (AI's), SARE SOLUTIONS are experts in the animal rights movement and the effects it has on ALL animal usage industries.
No entity in the world is opposing AUI"s except the radical animal rights groups, HSUS, PETA, ASPCA, and fringe animal rights groups (ARG) such as Horse Racing Wrongs, DXE, In Defense of Animals and several hundred others. All of the ARGs are in bed with each other.
The AI's have fallen into the trap set by the ARGs and have no idea they're in it. The AI's are responding to false allegations and emotional exaggerations made by the ARGs. Any allegations about the AUI's that may need improvement, don't need radical ARGs suggestions as they are not the experts. The animal usage industries authorities are the experts! The AI's are caught in the animal rights trap of arguing a false narrative that acts as a distraction while ARG's work towards their final agenda of shutting down all AUI's. Look what happened to the ban on Greyhound racing in the State of Florida in 2019 that led to the demise of the industry, and the destruction of the fur industry, as examples.
Changing crops/whips, banning Lasix in the horse racing industry, changing euthanasia practices, and adding government control, etc. are examples of playing into ARG's hands. Animal Rights Organizations don’t care about animals, “PETA Kills Animals”. What would happen to the animals if AUI's were shut down. The agriculture industry is attempting to appease and negotiate with ARGs which acts as an admission of guilt, and will not and does not work.
Get Involved!
The animal rights organizations are about changing society’s views and forcing the public to adhere to their ideology. Animal usage industries need to align with SARE SOLUTIONS and stop animal rights extremists. Let’s take an offensive position to discredit and expose animal rights organization’s false narrative to the public and collate with other animal usage industries to offer strength, and message positive attributes of AUI's to the Public. We need to change public opinion locally and globally.
Let SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. a 501 (C)-(4) and Stop Animal Rights Extremists, Inc. a 501 (C)-(3) represent your business and industry regarding radical animal rights controversy and take responsibility representing, maintain anonymity, and provide safety for all animal usage industries. We ensure and maintain privacy and confidentiality for all involved with SARE SOLUTIONS, Inc. and Stop Animal Rights Extremists, Inc. Hire Us Today!
Thank you for your time,
Gregg Schumacher
Stop Animal Rights Extremists, Inc.
God Gave Man Dominion,
The Foundation of American Government
BL Cozad Jr
BL Cozad, a member of the SARE Solutions Leadership Team, is a retired US Army veteran, a licensed Private Investigator that has spent over 35 years studying the Constitution and for the last 20 years has been studying the attacks on our agriculture industries. Mr. Cozad has written, researched and compiled the Constitutional arguments and Federal and Supreme Court decisions that prove the laws criminalizing animal usage industries are unconstitutional. He has written a book "God Gave Man Dominion, The Foundation of American Government" that explains what the true agenda behind the attacks on our agriculture industries are and who is actually behind these attacks. The book also presents his arguments as correctly formatted pro se Motions to Dismiss that may be slightly modified and used in the courts to counter any animal cruelty and/or animal neglect charges. Anyone that is facing any charges of animal cruelty and/or animal neglect needs to order his book.